Nidhi Patel (Gujarat, India)
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this SK Parenting VECE workshop.
You guys are absolutely great parents. Your VECE tools and techniques are just WOW! Actually, I don’t have any words to describe. I have never attended any workshop like SK Parenting VECE Fundamentals workshop. It is just one-of-its-kind; very different from any other workshop. The workshop was so easy to understand. More importantly, without any shame, all parents were able to ask questions freely.
To put in another way:
I and my spouse are so lucky to have attended your workshop. We must have done some good deeds so that our destiny made us attend your workshop. Otherwise, we are in India, and you are in Australia and that too during COVID-19 going on.
I have learned so much from you. You have changed my thought process completely towards parenting. I realized the importance of the right parenting now.
SK Parenting must be learned. And now I can say it too – That every child has potential and it is the parents who can make a big difference in their children’s lives if they act from pre-birth. Now, I understand that how it is possible that a two-year-old+ child can read English books fluently and more. The list goes on…
Thank you so so much! You have made a big difference in our lives. I am now confident that I will give my child what my child really needs!
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this workshop to every To-Be-Parents, Pregnant Parents and Parents of up to a year-old child. The earlier you attend, the better it is. So, just go for it. You can thank me later!