SKParenting Sizzlers with Shipra Trivedi
From a small towner to Delhi-ite, this Trivedi lady has always set records of her own. With her own comic strip Vibhu and Papa as well as an awesome parenting blog, to name, Shipra is the new age mom who juggles work and home despite the pressure. We were amazed at her composure and in-depth tips. Read on…
SKParenting Sizzlers with Shipra Trivedi
Name: Shipra Trivedi
Designation: A Software Professional (close to 10 years of experience in s/w industry)
Blog name: Abundance of Tasks
Parent to: Nishkarsh(Vibhu), 3-year-old
Family details: We are working couple so our small family includes my husband and my son other than me here in Delhi
Background (what your usual life is like, in brief): I belong to a very small place in north India. I am the first child of my family and extended family who did any professional course and is working almost 600 Kms away from the hometown. After getting married, I am settled in Delhi with my husband who is also in software field. We both fully support each other in pursuing our ambitions. Ever since our boy has joined the gang, life is about laughs, hugs, kisses and lots of love. My usual day starts with rushing for office with my boy. After coming back, the second role of my life starts and I take care of my house and kitchen. Then we three spend some quality time along and after tucking boy in bed, I resume my next role, a blogger. I am trying my best to give priority wise attention to these three of my roles. And I feel contended when other people admire my efforts. Despite fewer hours of sleep, I love my life.
SKP Q1. How do you split parenting duties?
Shipra: We follow our thumb rule, “who is available, will do the work”. So if I am busy with my office calls or doing extra work at home, my husband takes care of our boy. Similarly, if he is busy or coming home late, I do his jobs. When we both are there, we equally share our duties. Until now, we rarely faced any conflict in terms of our parenting deeds and needs.
SKP Q2. How have you built a relational bridge with your children?
Shipra: I feel, our Indian culture is so designed that it makes a mother the primary caregiver for the child. So, the child automatically gets attached to the mother. Also, they both spend maximum time along, especially after the birth of the child which helps in creating a strong bond between a mother and a child. I did nothing extraordinary. I gave most of my time and attention to my son. And we are best buddies now.
SKP Q3. What top five values do you feel most compelled to instill in your kids?
- I want him to become a compassionate person. He should be able to confront other people’s emotional needs.
- I want to raise him as a self-sufficient boy. So, from now only, I make him understand the importance of household chores.
- Another thing is clarity of thoughts. I like people who can take decisions and can stand by them. My husband is very good here.
- I also want him to be a family person. I believe in quote “Family is not a thing, it is everything.” I wish he would understand that we need the family to stay happy and successful.
- And I would like to raise him as a creative person. I feel creativity keeps a person lively always.
SKP Q4. How do you believe other people see your kids? How do you feel about others’ opinions on your kids?
Shipra: Other people, like my extended family and my neighbours, treat me a busy person, as they all know that I am a working mother. They don’t expect conventional parenting from my side. Howbeit, I feel blessed that I have such a nice neighbourhood. All of them love my son a lot. Even I often say that my son is raised by them. My boy spends a sufficient amount of time with them every day. Therefore I value their opinions and suggestions. If my son is wrong somewhere and they report me, I try to work on that. I am very positive towards them.
SKP Q5. What part of others’ opinions have you ever learn from?
Shipra: Honestly, I learn something every day from my neighbourhood mothers. My son is almost 15 years younger to their kids. Those mothers have seen so much of parenthood and they always help me with their valuable thoughts.
SKP Q6. What do you love about being a parent?
Shipra: I love that life is chaotic after becoming a mother, but there is an abundance of happiness as well. I am living my childhood again with my son and this is absolutely beautiful.
Shipra’s Review of SmartyKidsParenting.com :
The concept really made me think for a while. I never thought that the parents should first prepare themselves for raising bright kids. We mostly expect kids to learn and perform. However, the SmartyKidsParenting concept of making parents ready is quite a thoughtful approach towards a rewarding parenting experience. I would definitely try to join their program.
Tag:Interviews, Smart Parents