Nurturing Relationships With The Beginning Of Parenting
Nurturing New Parents Relationships
They say that love and loving are the best things to know over a lifetime. Amid the myriad shades of the many relationships, we come across, a life partner or a spouse or even a lover defines the ultimate choice making in relationships. When Cupid strikes, we might even stumble over our senses or intelligence. However, having kids make a helluva difference.
Never Allow Love To Go Out Of The Window
Nevertheless, it is a given that love begins well and allows us to see the world with tinted glasses but there are and will be couples who feel that the magic fades away with time. However, the truth is way different. The magic never fails. It is the way we see this magic that changes over time. With work, responsibilities, stress and demands, relationships take a tumble. To begin with, the necessity of work-life balance needs to be gauged perfectly well to avoid such issues. So what if you have a tedious job and a huge mortgage? You cannot live only on that, can you? Never ignoring your partner/lover at any stage of being parents is integral. There is no need to be lovey-dovey or fake at any point, simply keep communication lines open. Feel sulky or low? Say so to your lover. Once you learn to share your life, the relationship takes on a new skin and you begin to grow together—in love and as a couple.
Say No To Taking Him Or Her For Granted
While feeling totally comfortable and at ease around your partner once you are parents, is the first sign of a healthy relationship, never replace this with a sense of taking him/her for granted. You might have aged since you first met your lover. We do not suggest ‘going all teddy bears and chocolates’ to express love. However, a small surprise every month or so, a sudden drive date and a quick movie meal can always work wonders for stagnant points in your relationship, even after you turn parents.
Look Into Yourself
The biggest failing for a relationship with your lover/spouse is when we begin to look upon yourself as perfect and immune to change. The formula here is to indulge in neutral discussion about what either of you might be doing wrong when it comes to parenting. Improve your negativities with time and evaluate your actions/word to see if they are hurtful for your partner. Trust us, a little bit of self-evaluation in an unbiased way makes you see the truth. There is always a room for mistakes but you need to ensure that you rise above these.
Above all, learn to forgive and forget, this is not to say that you will never need to be angry or disgruntled. These are natural impulses but you must never harbour a grudge towards your partner. What you can do is inform him/her of what is hurting you. Only that you need to ensure this never crosses the line. Do not allow an issue to hamper your intimacy for long. A day or two of anger is fine but simply forgive him/her and move on! Parenting will create conflicts, yes but that never should never stop your spousal relationship from flowering!