Letting Your Kid Understand Sharing
Sharing is caring—this is something we have heard from our granny’s times. However, my kid might not actually listen to this line without shooting me wicked questions—“Mamma, why is sharing caring?” and I would simply come across as silly without having the perfect snobby answer to shut her off. One fact I have deduced here is that—kids today are smarter than what I and you had been. And perhaps modern day parents do not know if they must be happy about this or make a long face over it. Happy or sad, parents now know that they have a TOUGH time trying to teach their kids life values and lessons.
What was as easy as Aesop Fables and Moral Science classes for me, is not as easy when it comes to my sister’s kids. The reason is that kids question with a willingness to make parents question what they teach.
One experience that proved to be tough for me to tackle was while trying to instill the habit of sharing in my child. She is in the second standard but already knows her pinks and perks. Reading out a passage from an abridged classic in literature, I told her, “Beta, this is why you must share your Tiffin and also never look down upon anybody else’s things.”” Mummy, I always give my tiffin to Ekta but she never tells me thanks. I have stopped giving her my paranthas. And even I do not like her poori(es).”
I was taken aback at the stance she took and the suave confidence in her voice. How could my daughter be so spotty when it comes to sharing?
Something as simple as sharing tiffin becomes such an epic topic for me.
The best lesson learned here was that something we did necessarily does not find many takers in the next generation. The language of “why and what benefit” is something our kids have begun to understand from an innocent age. Perhaps it is smart but it is beyond my grasp.
I tried reasoning with my daughter. Why does she have to think of a thank you or a return poori even when she shares food? She did not have an answer—kids are hapless even today but they come with more airs (or attitude) than before.
I made her understand that being mean or being excessively reasonable is not something that will get her more friends. She will have no playmate and no after-school play dates. “Is this what you want, Beta?” I asked. He sweetly said, “No no— you mean sharing food actually gets me to keep my friends?” I nodded-“Yes.”
Frivolous though my reply was, I managed to tell my daughter that sharing is important—to build relationships. Building relationships and friendships are all our kids will have to work on after they grow up. So why not teach them the concept right now? As for sharing—once the reason is positive—you do not think of it as a benefit.
My daughter shares her paranthas and has a poori from Ekta almost daily. And yes, they have more play dates than ever before!