SKParenting Sizzlers with Dr Amrita Basu
SKParenting Sizzlers with Dr Amrita Basu
Name: Dr Amrita Basu (Misra)
Designation: Clinical Tutor (ENT and Head -Neck Surgery) Malda Medical College, Creative Content Director Healthwealthbridge
Blog name: Healthwealthbridge
Parent to: Anuprita, 5-year-old
Family details: Married
Background (what your usual life is like, in brief): I am a Doctor, Mommy-Blogger, Author and social media explorer. I love writing about unique and valuable content to spread awareness about health, wellness, parenting and entrepreneurship as a mom. I love collaborating with eco-friendly, socially responsible brands who are interested in creating quality creative content. I also help in finding your brand story and brand goals.
I have written two ebooks:
Picky Eaters: Guaranteed hacks to make you happy co-authored with my Pediatrician hubby
Fruits for Life: Nutrition Secrets your Doctor Won’t Tell
SKP Q1. How do you split parenting duties?
Dr Amrita: I am very blessed to have an understanding husband who shares work and homework both with me. We both cook, clean-up, teach our daughter and alternately babysit. Our duty hours are shifting and hence to some extent flexible.That’s why I am still able to manage it all.
SKP Q2. What top five values do you feel most compelled to instill in your kids?
Dr Amrita: I think I will be happy if my daughter at least learns:
Persistence and Patience,
Discipline and Value of Hard work.
SKP Q3. What life skills would you like your kids to develop this year?
Dr Amrita: I want my daughter to learn to identify kindness and unkindness in people and make friends accordingly. Kindness is a rarely celebrated quality, but an important one if you want to make relationships of value.
SKP Q4. What is your greatest area of weakness as a parent?
Dr Amrita: I think too much and explain even more. Children need to learn to find out their own answers to take balanced decisions.
SKP Q5. What is your greatest area of strength as a parent?
Dr Amrita: I am a very patient parent. That’s probably why my daughter is very self-assured for her age.
SKP Q6. What do you do to equip your children to love well?
Dr Amrita: Love is felt. So in order to teach love, I love her. Cuddle her and give her hugs and kisses throughout the day. In fact, we have cuddle breaks in between homework.
Dr Amrita’s Review of SmartyKidsParenting.com :
I have recently come across this parenting website which aims to help make parenting easier. While information is everywhere, its difficult to find experience matching it. SmartyKidsParenting has bridged that divide beautifully. Tips, tricks, and common sense to make learning fun for the little one.
Tag:Interviews, Smart Parents