Hubbies Too Find Time To Manage Kids
The world is a changing place. Hubbies who help with home and kids are real and yes, Indians too have begun to accept the same. Not just THE Chetan Bhagat or the character of Arjun Kapoor from Ki & Ka house-hubbies. They exist but even then they are no majority. One thing that is a growing majority is the concept of husbands being able participants when it comes to bringing up a child and having no qualms in accepting the same.
Men today have become much more than simple bread-earners and even take-offs to be with their baby. “Is this real?” most moms would ask! Society here still has a chauvinistic way to flit around when it comes to making with a man. However, “Times, they are a changin’”, and I have met at least a bunch of husbands who are proud fathers doting on their kids while being happily-responsible about the latter’s upbringing.
Daddy-hood Is About More Involvement
- The best moments when a dad feels his daddy-hood is amid the mess of changing a nappy. There is no replacement to the thought that the life he has created is breathing happily as he fiddles with cleaning the little munchkin up! Feeding is also something a dad can help with is helping with the bottles gives mommy the much-needed break. However, there is not much a man cannot do.
- The age-old theory that managing the baby is a mom’s responsibility has faded. The new age couple has rather made a pact when the wife is not relegated to a mom’s roles post-pregnancy. The best bit here is that this helps the couple build a much stronger bond. There is less of irritation, more of pampering and better bonds that stem.
- Allowing your wife to take a break from making dinner, showing some love for her and taking the child out for a stroller ride as she calls her friend’s home—there is so much a daddy can do to take care of the kid effectively.
Even from a deeper perspective, daddies contributing to more effective parenting help in better brain development of the child. This creates a sort of trust and dependence with the father from the kids’ end too.
Fathers Teach Different Things
The best part about hubbies helping with kids is that babies and kids always have better self-control when with the dads. Dads parent differently. They turn crazy, jump around and rough up playtime too. Moreover, the communication of a daddy is more direct and little low on emotion. This makes the child mentally alert. Moreover, when daddies manage kids, there is a coherence and harmony part of households that you HAVE to salute.
The bit to always remember is that being helpful when it comes to sharing a child’s responsibility does not mean that you need to stay at home always. It does not challenge gender roles. We simply are out to make you realise that being a happy parent comes from both ends. Knowing just THIS MUCH will truly motivate a dad to know how involved he MUST get.
With changing scenarios, I have observed how involved parenting with hubbies balancing home, kids and work leave more time for fun and frolic — in addition to HAPPIER KIDS!