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Your Man Wants To Be Appreciated For Little Things They Do

Daddyhood Diaries

When you think of a parenting, the main puzzle that hits the head is how great your partner will be in the ballgame. For women across cultures and continents, fixation with the concept of an ideal husband-turned-daddy is very dominant. Not just this, but the fact that women need understanding, pampering and frequent appreciation, is of significance when we think and speak of parenting. 

Yet when it comes to men, their macho image makes them appear less prone to expect appreciation. The ugly truth lies in the fact that men have a soft edge to their tough coat. The trick to a happy parenting phase is keeping your husband happy and by taking time out to express what he means for you. Men have a boyish charm hidden and their expectations too remain very boyish even as they turn older—and a father too.

A for Appreciation and Acceptance

Womankind needs to understand that men take a lot of time making an effort. While choosing a gift for your kid on the go is a cakewalk for women, husbands find it taxing to pick one. Never undermine his choices. Make sure you plan surprises and take time out to show him how you love his gift.

Plan Your Life Together

Even as we say this, it in no way means that the career woman of today has no mental independence. However, once you begin to think of your financial freedom as a ticket to do anything that pleases ONLY you, you tend to drift away from your spouse. Make personal goals and professional targets in a way that both of you are in the same lane. Women need to respect their male halves given that the latter find being ignored as a mark of disrespect. Yes, the quintessential male ego exists! However, it comes to the forefront only when his better half hurts him by being selfish or unbothered about his feelings.

Ask For His Opinion

Be it the latest dress you buy for your kid or the biggest investment-buy for the baby, involve your hubby in your life as much as you can. The best and easiest way to appreciate him is to make him feel important enough that his opinion matters. While we do not suggest being a robot awaiting his nod for each bit in life, small and big decisions can be taken together. Not only does this make a man feel worthy, it also makes parenting a wonderful institution where two souls find their perfect solace.

Take Time Out Understanding His Anger

Men might get irritated and more disoriented than a woman will, due to stresses of parenting. Make sure you communicate well with him and sideline your impulsive anger. Instead of criticising him, try to give him space to normalise. While you do not need to compromise on anything, you can do much more than bicker. Cajole him and make him feel that you are going to stand by him forever.

Once you make your man feel that he is a huge part of your world, your relationship, post-having kids will be rock solid. Go ahead and solidify your bond.

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Kinds Of Newborn Feeding Options Available Wed, 05 Jul 2017 11:47:58 +0000 Newborn Feeding Options Now that you have turned mommy and simply found bliss when you held your bundle of joy wrapped in the tiny towels at the maternity ward, it is time you gear up for making all those mommy …

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Newborn Feeding Options

Now that you have turned mommy and simply found bliss when you held your bundle of joy wrapped in the tiny towels at the maternity ward, it is time you gear up for making all those mommy decisions. Well while your mommy decisions on your kid’s education or dating scene will need more time, let us begin with the choice of feeding option for him or her. Yes, new mommy, you have to analyze and pick one feeding option apt for your toddler. Keep in mind that this feeding pick needs to go down well with you too.

Baby Breastfeeding

The classic and the most trusted option is of course natural breastfeeding. According to expert opinions, babies who are breastfed only for the initial six months after birth are healthier than others. This is natural since the first half year is the phase where no solid foods are allowed for babies. In fact, even after you introduce solids, continuing breastfeeding until the baby’s first birthday is widely recommended. Some babies and moms continue longer if it is tasteful for both of them.

Knowing The Ins And Outs Of Breastfeeding

The reason why breastfeeding could be a viable option is that breast milk is a natural nutrient-laced sustainer for babies. It satisfies thirst pangs as well as calms hunger levels. Breast milk also guards babies against disease and infections while reducing allergy risks. Of course, the natural milk comes all clean and perfectly warm. Come to think of it, medical experts believe breastfeeding is a natural safeguard against cancer of the ovaries and breast. It also helps women remain less exposed to the risk of  osteoporosisand cardiac issues. Weight management becomes easier as breastfeeding can help you burn 500 calories daily. In fact, you can buy breast pumps to aid in smoother and better breastfeeding! In addition, working moms find it easy to create a strong bond with their babies if employing this mode of feeding.

Infant Formula For Babies

Some moms wilfully steer clear of breastfeeding her kid. Some others might be unable to do so due to certain issues. Such situations call for use of infant formula.

Infant formula is easily available at all stores and comes in powder form.

Latest infant formula powders are made based on the constituents of breast milk. Thereafter, you can relax about the anything that these are not as nutritious.

You can shop for an instant formula online

Knowing The Ins And Outs Of Infant Formula

Of course, this lacks the cells and enzymes part of breast milk but then, your doctor will have the right ways to help your baby fight off infection risks too.

This feeding option is a perfect alternative to breastfeeding. It helps the mommy get enough rest since anybody else can feed the baby with formula too. Therefore, these moms get better sleep and can recover from post-delivery stress quicker.  

It helps the mommy get enough rest since anybody else can feed the baby with formula too. Although feeding is the best way to establish a natural bond with the baby, formula feeding gives the dad a chance to feed the child too.

Do note that formula feeding will be expensive and you need to know the right amount to mix in water always. Talk these out with your doctor so that you are not left in a lurch.

Choose between these methods of feeding for your newborn. Above all, relax. There is no need to worry about your child getting the right nutrition, no matter what option you pick. Enjoy every minute of being a new mommy and make sure you take care of yourself too.

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Kinds Of Breast Milk Pumps Wed, 05 Jul 2017 03:02:47 +0000 How many times have you thought of the best way to ensure your toddler is breastfed? Amid all the stress and postpartum issues you juggle, you need to ensure you breastfeed your child for perfectly healthy growth. While there are …

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How many times have you thought of the best way to ensure your toddler is breastfed? Amid all the stress and postpartum issues you juggle, you need to ensure you breastfeed your child for perfectly healthy growth. While there are schools of thought that propound the non-compulsion of breastfeeding, we believe that picking the perfect breast pump can actually make you want to breastfeed your infant.

Make The Choice Of “Type”

Before diving into the pool of brands with awesome breast pumps make your mind up over what type of breast pump you want.

Manual Breast Milk Pumps

For those looking for a good quality breast pump on a budget, the manual pumps offer a fair deal. This comes at a lean price but never compromises on the functionality. Of course, manual pumps are soon to become decadent and are clumsy given that you need to do the hard work of pumping out. However, some mums still prefer this since they are apt for the wallet.

Electric Breast Milk Pumps

These electric breast pumps are apt for the fast women of today. These are laced with a motor and help you to be at ease while pumping milk out. The motor on the automatic or electric breast pumps eases your labour while ensuring least lactation. If you are a mum busy with working from home and juggling those office files, then these are the right fit for you. The electric pumps come in single or double electric category and score brownie points for being efficient and portable. Most run on electricity as well as batteries and save time.

Personal Breast Milk Pumps

These are meant for use by one mum, at home. Compact, portable and a budget option; this can either be the manual or electric type.

Hospital Grade Breast Milk Pumps

You need to consider if you are set to share your breast pump with someone. In that case, hospital grade breast pumps can be hired or purchased. This is because personal use pumps cannot be shared among multiple mums owing to hygiene concerns.

Ergonomically designed breast pumps are perfect for busy mommies of today. Portable, compact and light pumps can be used as well as cleaned easily. You need to pick a very classy design that allows it to sit comfortably while you attach it.


Top Brand Picks For Electric Pumps

Medela Pump In Style Advance

Thanks to the 2-Phase Expression technology inbuilt, this electric pump makes breastfeeding quick. A special Metro Bag version of the pump is available as well and the funky design makes it possible to be carried around. Buy Now

Lansinoh Affinity

With settings for suction and speed being adjustable, the breast pump runs on electricity as well as battery. The flanges are flexible and allow mommies to be comfy while using it.

Dr Brown’s Simplisse Double Electric

Invest in Dr Brown’s Simplisse Double Electric if you are all too sensitive. This is designed to cause no discomfort issues at all. The cups come laced with soft material and they are sensitive to the tongue movements of the baby. Thanks to the “Simplisse” technology, this breast pump never causes a tight pinch sensation on your breasts either.

Sail through the practical details and make your decision. With a plethora of breast pumps available on leading portals, finding the right one can indeed be a piece of cake.

Note: Links to above products may not work or show out-of-stock, as they are 3rd party links. Hence, beyond our control. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The post Kinds Of Breast Milk Pumps appeared first on SK Parenting.
