Science says first 0-3 years are the crucial years for developing your child’s brain and for giving your child a solid foundation for future learning, success in life, and health.

A human brain is made up of cells called neurons which are connected through synapses. And the transfer of signals from one neuron to another through a synapse is what gives us the ability to learn, memorise, breathe, walk, eat, and adapt.
Synapse follows the “use it or lose it” principle. It means synapses that are used more get strengthened, while the synapses that are used less get destroyed over time (synaptic pruning).
When a child is born, the brain is still not fully developed and the majority of its 100 billion neurons are yet to be connected. Moreover, thousands of new neurons are created and new connections (synapses) are formed during the early years of childhood development. Hence, a child can learn many tasks simultaneously and quickly (walking, speaking, languages) in the early years of life.
Now the real-life experiences by the child determine whether to keep a synapse or prune it. Regular stimulation helps the synapse to grow and become permanent. And a little or no stimulation is responsible for the synapses to be eventually pruned.
To sum it up,
The brain starts removing these learning-dependent or experience-dependent synapses, which are hardly used or not used (synaptic pruning) after reaching its peak (synaptic growth period).
And these synapse formation reaches its peak even before three years of age.
do most children miss the benefits of their first crucial 0-3 years of life?
Every Child Has ExtraOrdinary Potential.
0-1 years: Most Important
1-3 years: Very Important
3-5 years: Important
You may be surprised to read further that in most cases,
Parents are responsible for letting go of this crucial first golden 0-3 years to Maximise their child’s extraordinary brain Potential and give their child a solid foundation for learning and life – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Now an important question arises,
How to leverage the exceptional brain potential of a child during the crucial first 0-3 years to provide a solid foundation for learning and life?
This is where SK Parenting comes in.
We have developed a Groundbreaking and Counter-Intuitive VECE process and techniques to unlock the incredible potential of a child’s brain.
SK Parenting VECE process starts from Pre-Birth.
We have first applied VECE process and techniques on our children since their pre-birth (since 2013). After getting incredible and phenomenal results with our children, we want to pass on our VECE methods to other families, who want to give their children a solid foundation too.
SK Parenting demonstrates how the challenges of parenting can be converted into blessings through our unique VECE process.
(Scroll Down to Watch: VECE “Proof-of-Concept”)